Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grandma Doty's Rolls

a winner. every time. and i like to make my rolls more smallish-medium than large, because i've found when i make them large, the bottoms burn while the inside is gooey and not in a good way. thanks to staci for hooking me on this recipe. it is my go-to for delish, homemade rolls.

1 cup lukewarm water
1 tbsp yeast (or one packet)
1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp (divided) sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 melted butter
3 eggs
4 cups flour ( + or -)

combine water, yeast and 2 tbsp sugar. in another bowl, combine salt, 1/2 cup sugar and eggs. add water/yeast mixture, melted butter (that is now cooled slightly) and flour. you can use a standing mixture or mix by hand, dough will be very sticky. after it is kneaded, let rise until double in size, (approx 2 hours). work with buttery hands, shape dough as desired (ie crescents, etc) and place on baking sheet to rise again.
i roll them into balls, dip the top of the dough ball (the smooth part) into a little dish with melted butter. then i take that buttered top part and dot the place on the baking sheet where the roll will be resting. then place the dough ball bottom side sitting in the butter. clear as mud? let rolls rise approx 1 hour, bake in 350 oven for about 15-20 minutes. makes approx 30 rolls.

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